Journey over was smooth enough. Got singled out by El Al for interrogation at Heathrow. I'd been told that they could stop me entering Israel if they thought I was going to Palestine so I told a mixture of economical truths and lies.
Spent all 5 hours of the flight chatting with the Jewish Rabbai next to me. He got all his textbooks and stuff out and made it his mission to educate me. Jews do not convert so he didn't try to evangelise I didn't evangelise him either. Topics of conversation included:
-Heaven and hell
-Being a Jewish Christian
-Secular v Orthodox
Taxi from airport took us through the valley of Armageddon (I wondered if I would return here someday!) and through to Nazareth. For 2 days we're staying in a hotel overlooking Nazareth and the Valley of Armageddon. It's an incredibly beautiful place. As our taxi driver said:
So pleaced you decided to keep us updated on your travels - I'm getting goosebumps just hearing about it! Be blessed!
Missing you already bro, have a great time...
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