Sunday, May 28, 2006


I've always had a belief that, in their most basic form, people are good. I've always been able to see some good in even the worst, blaming circumstances or various others even when I am wronged or I see another wronged.. I externalise their evil for them. I believed sub-consciously and naively in the inherent goodness and positive intentions of others. Events recently have me considering otherwise, especially when I come to terms with my own inability to become any better. When I do the right thing am I only doing it so I'm seen to do the right thing? If so it's not goodness or obediance, it's just compliance. Small talk, meaningless relationships, little problems manipulated into issues, selfish ambition....all to mask the fact that everyone is screwed up inside. I try to understand people's motives when I see their selfishness. Then I climb down off my highest of horses to find the light of my own soul is flickering. Is anyone truly altruistic? Can anyone survive with such a credo?


Anonymous said...

Jewish thought offers some interesting insights regarding the dual nature of humanity.....the 'Yetzer tov' and 'yetzer ra'... have a read at the link below.

roast honey said...

Just found ur blog off the emmanuel website- been totally pondering the same sentiment over the last week. My question was more along the line of blessing. Thinking of going to Thailand -a scary decision after Joy's talk in church, but volunteered my services to the organisation she went with. Am now thinking God will bless me for it-but do we do things to get God's blessing (or is it like grace) does that count as trying to earn it. Brought me back to the friends episode with phoebe and joey -is any deed truly unselfish?